
Best Time to Visit Glacier National Park

Hello, travelers! We hope you are ready for another exciting article about one of nature’s most beautiful creations. This time we will share exciting news about the best time to visit Glacier National Park.

The Glacier National Park is one of the most famous national parks in the US. It is located northwest of Montana, more toward the America-Canada border. The park is renowned for its two rocky mountain ranges. Also, it has more than 130 unnamed lakes and a wide range of different species of plants and animals. 

best time to visit glacier national park.
Best Time to Visit Glacier National Park

According to the historical records, the first inhabitants of this landscape were the native Americans. But along with the European explorers and invaders, the area’s inhabitants changed. It is assumed that these glaciers formed millions of years ago. The massive glacial actions that took place with time have created valleys and lakes. This park has all its original native plants and animal species protected till today. Large mammals such as moose, grizzly bears, mountain goats, and rare or endangered species like wolverines and Canadian lynxes are the ordinary inhabitants of the park. Also, there are hundreds of species of birds, more than a dozen fish and aquatic species, and a few reptiles and amphibian species in documents. Also, there are about two hundred waterfalls scattered throughout the park.

Above is a short description of the glacier park for you to get an idea of the beautiful landscape of the park. Glacier National Park is dominated by mountains carved into their present shapes by the massive glaciers of the last ice age. During the summer, the park looks different, with the glaciers melting and running down to the streams. This time of the season has the risks of first fires as well. 

Best Times to Visit Glacier National Park

We know as travelers that we all dream of visiting this place. So we thought it would be good to share some important news and details about the best time to visit Montana glacier national park.

The visitors plan their tours throughout the year. But if you are visiting particular sites such as glacier parks or snowy areas, we need to be thoughtful to know the details on the best time to visit the place. 

So when we look at Glacier Park, the July and August months are the best. Especially if it is your first time at the national glacier parkwe recommend you plan your tour during this time of the year to get the best term experience. 

The time during July and August months is the peak season for the visitors. The daytime temperature is as low as 80 degrees, and at nighttime, it heights up to 40 degrees! So, if you plan the visit, carry layers of clothing to survive the colder weather. Also, the park is slightly windy during this time of the year. The accommodation is expensive, and you will also get the facility of complimentary shuttle services. And most of the trails and the roads are open for hiking. 

The lights of the north glacier park are one of the fascinating experiences you should not miss out on. Let us know the best time to visit this place so you can experience this fantastic site.

Best time to see northern lights glacier national park

Best time to see northern lights Glacier National Park

It is said that the peak of the light is every 11 years. Winter is known as the best time to experience the lights. The long darkness of the month in the arctic circle combines with the often- cleat sky and increases the chance to see these auroral light displays. Midnight in the local tie zone is the ideal time to experience the best view. But it is tough to predict the exact time of the year to see a glimpse of the lights. 

When is the Best Time to See Northern Lights in Norway


The Glacier National Park has some incredible viewpoints to watch this spectacular show. If you plan to visit the park during the spring, you will have a good view of the lights and the nights are longer than in the summer. The winter-spring duration will have a more extraordinary idea as the sky is more transparent than the other times of the year. 

Below are a few spots you can choose from to see the best view of the northern lights.

Lake Mc Donald

The shores of Lake McDonald are one of the best spots for watching the northern lights. It gives a clear view of the north. You are also lucky to have the added advantage of seeing a reflection of the lights in the clear, serene water of the calm lake. Located just a few miles from the West Glacier Park entrance, the lake offers daytime activities such as kayaking and paddle boarding.

Lake Mc Donald

Looking Glass Road

This fantastic viewpoint is only open in the summer. But it provides an excellent lookout for the northern lights. The area runs 10 miles north from East Glacier Village to Highway 89 in Kiowa. You may come across wildlife around this area at night. Therefore, extra caution is advised. There are several viewing spots along the road perfect for aurora viewing.

Bison Paddock Loop, Waterton Lakes National Park

The Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park combines Glacier and Canada’s Waterton Lakes National Park. The wide-open area of Bison Paddock Loop, free from light pollution, is a great place to view the Aurora light displays.

Bowman & Kintla Lakes

The more you move towards the origin of the northern lights, the more the chances of seeing it. Bowman and Kintla lakes are the best off-the-beaten-track spot for nature’s light show. The lakes are located close to another famous viewing spot, Pole bridge. You can set up a camp to enjoy this spectacular view. It is situated deep in Flathead County’s North Fork region.

Northern Lights Saloon and Café

Northern lights saloon and café is the slightest remote viewing spot for the Aurora borealis show. This place is situated in the Flathead community of Polebridge. You can enjoy some live music while you view the northern lights. It is a less crowded and crozier experience making this café the perfect spot.

The earth is full of surprises and magical wonder – endless places to explore and limitless wonders to discover, including the Northern Lights as one of the strongest. Seeing Aurora lights needs both passion and patience. But once you get to experience them, they’re something you’ll never forget.

We hope these details helped you get an idea of what time of year you can see the northern lights in Glacier National Park.

The best time to visit Glacier National Park is to avoid crowds.

If you are considering visiting the park yet need to avoid the public, the best time to view the tour- planning would be the Winter. If you are considering avoiding the summer traffic, better to plan your trip during the Winter. The cold weather and the sudden closure of gates make the visitors think twice about visiting the park in Winter. 

Also, while hiking, if you need to avoid crowds, you may consider the steps below. 

  • Start Early or later afternoon. It is the best time to start the tour or the expedition to avoid the crowd,
  • Plan your hikes outside the national glacier park. Most people take the common hiking routes. So, if you take the new roads, you can avoid the crowds and the beauty of the landscape. 
  • When planning the rafting trips is advised to arrange it overnight with the glacier raft company.
  • Also, plan the backpacking avoiding the usually used routes. It will help you to avoid crowds.

These are a few tips that you can use to keep away from the crowds. 

Best time to visit Glacier National Park?

Have you ever considered When is the best time to visit Glacier National Park?

Well, let us share some informative details about each month of the year so you can decide which time will be the best for you to plan your trip to the Glacier National park.

  • Is May the best time to visit glacier national park?

For those who wish to plan a trip first time to this fantastic park, we suggest that May is the best time. There will be significantly less crowd during this time of the year. Though a significant portion is covered with snow, there are still plenty of trails that will be open for you to enjoy hiking if you visit the national glacier park in May. The temperature is mild and calm. But going- to -the – sun road is closed. The St Mary’s visitor center opens late during this period. So, if you are hoping to contact the center for anything, please remember when the center will open. The Apgar visitor center will open daily from Mid-May. So we can see that some options are limited if you are planning to visit Glacier National Park in May. But it is still the best time to see and observe the wildlife and the wildflowers.

Glacier National Park weather in June

Usually, June is considered the best period to visit the national park due to its pleasant weather. During June, Going-to-the -to the sun road has a higher chance towards the end of the month. The St Mary visitor center and the Apgar visitor centers will open till late June. Also, remember that you have to expect a certain amount of rain to fall during this time. The glacier park begins to feel warmer. With the snow melting, the month of June is the most suitable time to witness the beauty of the landscape. You can enjoy the most beautiful scenery and wildlife during this time of the year.

National Park in July

July is considered the hottest month of the year. The temperature is usually warm. The two visitor centers and going-to-the -sun road too are opened fully. The excellent point is that this month has days with a good sunset which helps the visitors t fully explore the national park. Remember the following tips if you plan to visit the park during this time of the year. You will have the shuttle service running at the full schedule. There will be plenty of ranger-lead activities that you can engage in and enjoy. As the weather is scorching, don’t forget to carry plenty of water, sunscreen, and a hat. 

Visiting Glacier National Park in September

Is September a good time to visit Glacier National Park?

During September, the weather is pleasant. It is usually warm around mid-day. Same as July and August, the two visitor centers and going-to-the-sun roads are open till late. If you are interested in nature, landscape, and scenery, this is the ideal time. With the changes in the seasons, you can see a lot of fall colors in the environment. Beautiful oranges, browns, yellows, and reds could be everywhere. 

Thinking about what to do in the Glacier National Park in September? 

Well, during this time, the park empties fast due to the fewer crowds.

Below are a few things that help you plan the activities during this time.

  • You can quickly drive along the beautiful going-to-the-sun road. It is a great chance to enjoy the fall colors and the beautiful weather.
  • The fewer crowds will allow you to go for a hike. You can enjoy yourself to the maximum as the group is more minor.
  • Watching wildlife is one of the other exciting things you can do if you visit the park in September.
  • You can explore the looking glass hill road.
  • Rafting during the season is another critical activity you should not forget.

You can do a few activities when planning your visit during September. 

  • Is October a good time to visit Glacier National Park?

The visitors don’t think of visiting the glacier national park in October due to the unpredictable weather. The temperature is moderate. But the going-to-the-sun road will completely close at the end of this month. And note that you will be able to access it entirely only during October for the next couple of months due to the weather. The rain is unpredictable in October, and the water becomes freezing at night. So make sure to get ready with warm clothes for the night.

  • Glacier national park in November

November is a heavy winter month. The road and the two visitor centers remain entirely closed. The increased snowfall and the cold weather are one reason there are no visitors during this time. If you wish to visit the park during this weather, be prepared for the harsh weather conditions. You can view different aspects of wildlife during this time. You can witness the weather changes and the animals that will appear only during this time of the year. The glacier national park November, though you get only limited activities to experience, is another kind of experience due to these unique animal species that come out at that time.

Dear travelers, we hope now you have an idea when to visit glacier national park. Make sure to pay attention to the weather conditions. If you are an activity lover, think of the best time where you could experience most of the activities.

We know that most travelers have the concern, “When should I avoid Glacier National Park?” as we mentioned earlier, avoid the most crowded time as all the facilities, including lodging, will be pretty expensive. Also, the hiking tracks are crowded. So you will not be able to get the whole experience. Also better to avoid bad weather days. It, too, will limit your experience in enjoying the park’s beauty. So make sure to plan your trip with all these aspects in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Glacier National Park

How to get to Glacier National Park?

FCA airport will be the gateway to northeast Montana, and it is the closest airport to Glacier National Park. The airport is in Kalispell, 12 miles from the nearest town to the park, Whitefish. It is 30 miles away from Glacier National Park. 

Where to stay when visiting Glacier National Park?

There are several towns near Glacier National Park which offer lodging for quite reasonable prices. You can pick them up through Airbnb as well. Each city will offer something different. So, you have a choice of places to pick according to your budget.

How many days do you need at Glacier National Park?

Dear Travelers, if you are planning to visit the glacier National Park, make sure to plan it ideally for 3 or 4 days as then you get plenty of time to travel, hike, watch, and enjoy nature. As we conclude the writing, we hope that the readers got plenty of information that will be useful for your future trip or the expedition to the Glacier National park. We hope you will enjoy your trip to the fullest!

Written by Layla

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